Antistatika, spájkovanie, spájkovacie potreby, cookson electronics

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About company

Company KODATEK al. with r.o. dealing with fully equipped offices to manufacturing facilities, repair and development center of electronics industry. Our company is collaborating with AZT in cooperation with the firm offers products Sovella. Sovella Company is one of the leading manufacturers of assembly workstations, production lines and rack systems. More products of this brand, you can learn in a working section of furniture. We offer also JBC soldering equipment, Metcal, Weller, Piergiacomi hand tools, electric screwdrivers Kolver and even much more. It represents the company CooksonElectronicss which cooperate in the solder paste, precise cuts alloys / performs /, solder fluxerov water-or alcohol-based, SAC305 solder alloys, SACX307, SACX0807, Sn63/Pb37 Sn60/Pb40. We realize that it mainly for soldering SMD technology in the generating process of tin and foam swab. The vast majority of waste in agreement redeem.

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